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Letter: Don’t throw dishes out with dishwater

How about removing the homeless from the bus shelter not the other way around?

Don’t throw dishes out with dishwater

In response to the city’s decision to remove the bus shelter on James Street across from the aquatic centre.

In my opinion this is very short sighted. I have worked with the homeless for almost seven years. We cannot let them control our city. It is not about us and them. They are part of our community, but they need to have their boundaries.

Removing the bus shelter would mean that elderly Mrs. Smith comes to the aquatic centre and ends up standing in the rain while she waites for her bus. Why? Because our bylaw officers aren’t told to make this a priority apparently. I know our bylaw officers do a wonderful job; they are also overwhelmed by the homeless problem. As we all are.

How about removing the homeless from the bus shelter not the other way around? As ma used to say, don’t throw the dishes out with the dishwater.

Paul Stanton
