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Letter: Adopt one speed limit for Chemainus

There are no less than eight changes of posted speed

Adopt one speed limit for Chemainus

Re: the matter of speed limits in Chemainus, I suggest priority be given to the current situation on Chemainus Road.

In the 2.5 km from Cook Street in the north to Henry Road in the south, there are no less than eight changes of posted speed, some barely 100 m apart.

The default in-town limit for Chemainus Road appears to be 40 kph. However, this is impacted by a daily and seasonally adjusted school zone of 30 km/h and three traffic circles, also with limits of 30 km/h. There are in addition 12 street intersections and 13 pedestrian crosswalks, three of which have manually operated flashing lights. And as if this were not enough there are, inexplicably, two very short stretches of roadway with posted speeds of 50 km/h!

Isn’t it time to clarify the situation and adopt, say, a simple 40 and 30 km/h system that would benefit everyone and make our town just a little safer?

Tom Masters