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Letter: Society doesn't seem to value seniors

On behalf of our senior household we also love a phone call once in a while

Society doesn't seem to value seniors

Re: Reflections on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Thank you Judy for shedding light on this very important subject. You hit the nail right on the head! Yes, subtle indeed.

Turning 60 myself, my 70-year-old husband, and my elderly parents in their late '70s/early '80s all feel afraid of loosing our independence to a world that doesn't seem to care or value senior citizens.

I think back to my grandparents who were young with children during the Depression, and wonder what they'd think of this world now?

They didn't have much, worked hard, loved us all and were happy with what they had. And we adored them, respected them, loved spending time with them. Sunday dinners. Those were the days!  Fond memories I hope to never forget.

PS: On behalf of our senior household we also love a phone call once in a while. Texts don't really cut it...

Cheryl Howard
Cobble Hill