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Letter: Spend $5 billion for Ukraine elsewhere

People are mere cannon fodder in so many countries

Spend $5 billion for Ukraine elsewhere

Dear Prime Minister:

While you are busy with the G7 and we hear that Canada will contribute $5 billion to defend Ukraine and the G7 will give $50 billion,  I have two thoughts:

1. You, and therefore we, are contributing to untold death and destruction instead of working to get peace, presumably because killing and rebuilding is much more lucrative despite rhetoric that it is about defending against Russia.

I saw a documentary once where a woman interviewed with a new baby said she would be proud for her son to die for the cause her people were fighting for. Is that your mentality too? It is OK for all the mothers to sacrifice their children whom we are supplying with the means to kill?

People are mere cannon fodder in so many countries, as we spiral down the slope of hatred and blame and send weapons — weapons from “peaceful” Canada!

2. You, and therefore us, are paying for this! How can more taxes or more printing of money to increase our debt be a positive step?

That money would take First Nations out of their poverty and deprivation, and house those who wander my streets and yours. That is how I want my tax money to be spent, not to enable more grieving families to be shattered and young men to die by the thousands.

When are you going to lead us into a future of hope and compassion?

Paula Foot
